ClimateClock in NYC: Our Climate Is on the Clock

According to ClimateClock, the future of global warming is uncertain, and its outcome depends on our willingness to take specific action towards the effects of Global warming. ClimateClock, as the name goes, is an initiative created by a group of artists and activists to remind us of the fragility of the Climate.

This clock is situated in Union Square in New York city and has been installed to count down the years, days, hours, and seconds left before the effects of global warming become permanent.

The ClimateClock features two numbers; the first one (red) counts down the time remaining for planet Earth before the “carbon budget” runs out, and the second one (green) traces the percentage of power supply that is provided by renewable energy sources.

The creators of ClimateClock anticipate that it will be placed somewhere permanently, to let people know that we are running out of time and to encourage places to put up clocks like it. In line with this, the ClimateClock website gives detailed instructions on DIY tips for a portable climate clock. This is all to draw the attention of the world to the undeniable problem of global warming.

ClimateClock is the much-needed push to make planet Earth a safer place for all. The future is literally in our hands.

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